Jacquard Neopaque Colors

Jacquard Neopaque is a highly pigmented opaque acrylic paint that can be used in a wide variety of surfaces including fabric, clay, leather, and canvas. The paint is not pearlescent but more like “muddy”, and has a unique flexibility and softness that makes it perfect for application on semi-porous surfaces. The paint is permanent and quite durable, as long as it is dried properly. The techniques with which the Neopaque can be applied include paint brushing, screening, airbrush, stencil, and stamping.

There are thirteen colors of Neopaque that you can choose from, but you may also mix them to come up with more hues and shades. The lighter colors look exceptionally well on dark backgrounds, so many people love to use this product on dark leather, black vinyl, black paper, wood, and black rubber. The Neopaque is available in plastic jars of 2.25 or 8 oz.


Medium Tips

  • To increase transparency, mix with Flowable Extender (JAC579).
  • For airbrushing thin with water to up to 25%.
  • For a muted metallic effect, add Pearl Ex Powder to the Neopaque.
  • Neopaque can be mixed with Lumiere, Dye-Na-Flow, and Textile Colors.
  • For a perfect heat fixing, use a dry iron on the opposite side of the fabric.
  • For dryer heat fixing, use it on the hottest setting for 35 to 45 minutes.
  • To increase both transparency and flowability, you may mix Neopaque with 25% water.

Product Pros & Cons

Artist Likes

  • Easy to apply and also to clean up.
  • True and vibrant colors that don’t fade easily with time.
  • Perfect flow and coverage even in the most uneven and harsh surfaces.

Artist Dislikes

  • Paint dries a bit too quickly in the jar.
  • The product costs higher than others in the same category.

The vast majority of the artists that use this product are Jacquard fans, so they like to use a wide range of their products in combination. That said, this is a specialized paint that does what it promises even when the situation is highly demanding. On the negative side, it is a bit expensive and solidifies quickly in the jar if it’s not sealed properly after each use.

Final Considerations

Jacquard Neopaque is a product that can be used in so many ways, and on so many surfaces, that is hard to imagine every possible application. That said, it is perfect for experimentation, exploration of creative urges, and the creation of impressive art. Its unique opaque feel makes it perfect when in need for something like that while it is the perfect complementary product if you are using the more pearlescent Lumiere.